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Service Times

  • Saturday: 6PM
  • Sunday: 9 & 11AM

King David is in the Bible more than anyone but Jesus. His story is packed with battles and betrayals, triumph and tragedy. But who was he really?


CHASING DAVID is an 8-week series in 1 & 2 Samuel to discover the real David––and find courage and insight to face life’s battles.


  • A brand new book written by René Schlaepfer
  • Eight small group lessons featuring videos filmed on location in Israel
  • Daily video devotionals to start your day
  • Weekly messages that tie into the book and small group videos (in English and Spanish)


Buy the Book

Physical CopyiBooks

Small Group Videos


Video Devos

Start each day with a short video devotional based on the life of David. These videos feature different Bay Area pastors (Steve Clifford//Westgate Church, Gary Gadinni//Peninsula Covenant Church, Tyler Scott//CPC Danville, and Rob Hall//New North Church) and René Schlaepfer on location in Israel. 


WEB: Visit tlc.org/chasingdaviddevos 

YOUTUBE: Visit the Chasing David YouTube channel



Church Kit

Would you like to do Chasing David at your church or in your small group? Contact us to get started. 

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