Contact Us
- Phone: (831)465-3300
- Email:
- Address:
2701 Cabrillo College Drive | Aptos, CA 95003
Service Times
- Saturday: 6PM
- Sunday: 9 & 11AM
We receive an offering during each of our weekend services. Envelopes are available in the seat-backs or at the Info Desk. Please make checks payable to Twin Lakes Church.
Checks can be mailed to:
Twin Lakes Church
2701 Cabrillo College Drive
Aptos, CA 95003
For information on how to give stock, securities, or other non-cash donations to our church, contact Leonard.
Sign into CCB to access your giving statement. If you need assistance contact Gina Weeks.
Click here for instructions to download your yearly TLC giving statement
Twin Lakes Church is entirely self-supporting and we pledge at least 10% of our income to outreach organizations. Some of the groups we support are AIDS orphan centers in Africa, Little Flock Children’s Home in India, Mercy Ships mobile hospital, and a church-based refugee program in Jordan. Our congregation also gives to local charities including Second Harvest Food Bank and Pajaro Women’s Center. Our members also volunteer thousands of hours serving the local poor, incarcerated, hospitalized, and homebound population.
The Annual Report is an opportunity to see the metrics that matter, because behind every statistic is a story of God working through Twin Lakes Church.