
Contact Us

Service Times

  • Saturday: 6PM
  • Sunday: 9 & 11AM

Giving Grove

Help make someone’s Christmas a bit more merrier by purchasing a gift(s) for a needy infant, child, family, unhoused person or senior. Each gift should be in the $25 -$40 range. Tags will be available on the Giving Grove Trees starting Thanksgiving Weekend, Nov. 30th and Dec. 1st.   QUICK TURNAROUND - You will only have two weeks to purchase and return gifts!!  All gifts are due back BEFORE OR BY Sunday, Dec. 15th.

If you would like to ADOPT a FAMILY and purchase the gifts for all the children in one family, please contact Robin Spurlock BEFORE NOV 21st.  Phone: 831-465-3381 / Email: 

There are various organizations we are working with this Christmas. Read each description below to see what the needs are and the specific instructions for each one. For more information or if you have questions, contact

ALL gifts need to be RETURNED BEFORE OR BY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15th at 12 PM to the church lobby.

Bridge of Hope

Residents in skilled nursing homes often have no visitors or family members who care for or visit them. Brighten their Christmas with a Christmas gift!  Pick up a gift tag off the trees in the church lobby.  Purchase the gift, wrap the present, attach the gift tag to the gift and return to the church lobby BEFORE OR BY Sunday, Dec. 15th at 12 PM.

Salvation Army

If you would like to help a needy child in our community through the Salvation Army Angel Tree program, you can pick up a gift tag off the trees in the church lobbyPurchase the gift, attach the tag to the UNWRAPPED present to the church lobby BEFORE OR BY Sunday, Dec. 15th at 12 PM.

Homeless Garden Project

We have some families/individuals in connection with the Homeless Garden Project that we are supporting this Christmas. You can pick up a gift tag off the trees in the church lobbyPurchase the gift, wrap the present, attach the gift tag to the gift and return to the church lobby BEFORE OR BY Sunday, Dec. 15th at 12 PM.  

Local Families and Farm Workers

We also have families in our community who are unable to provide Christmas presents for their children for a variety of reasons. To provide a gift for a local family, pick up a gift tag off the trees in the church lobbyPurchase the gift, wrap it, attach the tag to the present and return to the church lobby BEFORE OR BY Sunday 15th at 12 PM.