Contact Us

Service Times

  • Saturday: 6PM
  • Sunday: 9 & 11AM

Global Outreach

TLC offers many ways to participate in outreach! Globally, opportunities exist to partner with TLC’s career missionaries via prayer support, giving, short term trips, internships and long term mission service.  We have a beautiful booklet that features all of our global partners and is a great tool to get to know them and pray for them.  If you would like a printed copy of this booklet, you can pick one up at the church office or email robin@tlc.organd we will mail a copy to you.  If you have any questions please contact us:

Outreach@tlc.org | 831-465-3381


Global Outreach Philosophy

Our church's Philosophy of Missions is expressed in the acronym "G.R.A.C.E.", which details the five major categories of our involvement in missions.

Short Term Trips

Mission trips all over the world with TLC’s missionaries. Each year’s mission trips are announced at our annual World Outreach Week in late January.

Preparing for a Mission Trip

How to apply for a passport, application process, trip contract, and sample support letters.

GLOBAL Partners

We partner with incredible people who are fighting slavery, human trafficking, poverty, hunger, and other injustices and spreading the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world! 

World Outreach Week

  • Once a year in early February, we have our global partners join us for a week.  There are many opportunities to get to know them and hear what they are doing around the world.  For more information and to see what is happening for WOW this year, go to tlc.org/wow.

Local support for foreign missions.


  • SHORT TERM TRIP TRAINING Class: The Short Term Mission Orientation is typically offered twice a year. You must take this class before going on an international short term mission. Contact  Robin@tlc.org for more information or to reserve a spot.  Our next class will be Sunday, April 27that 10:30 AM in 5204.
  • PERSPECTIVES CLASS - Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Find info at perspectives.org/campbell.  Or email  BeckyDurstenfeld@gmail.com 

Update on Ukraine Relief 


A TLC Documentary Featuring Three of our Global Partners