Contact Us

Service Times

  • Saturday: 6PM
  • Sunday: 9 & 11AM

Give Help/Get Help

At Twin Lakes Church, we want to walk alongside struggling families and individuals and support you through life’s ever-changing seasons. We want to provide you with connection, consolation and comfort.

Emergency Assistance

Whether it’s fires, floods, earthquakes or some other crisis, TLC wants to help. Click the button below to apply for disaster relief, or email or call 831-465-3300 to find out more.

disaster relief

We are looking for people who will be “on call” to quickly to help with food for shelters, filling sandbags, debris clean up, staffing at a shelter, etc. Click the button below to join the team!

Emergency Volunteer Team

Grace Harbour Women's Center

This new center will provide a 50-bed residential program for women with life-controlling issues like drug & alcohol addiction in the Teen Challenge multi-month program, plus 42 beds for homeless and at-risk women and women with children on a day-to-day basis.

People's Pantry

Providing food for those in need in partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank every Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:30 PM at TLC. We are providing a drive-thru pick up method to keep everyone safe. Look for signs in our parking lot. 4:00 to 5:15 PM. Please do not line up before 3:30 PM.

We also are in need of donations - food and/or monetary. Food donations can be dropped off at the church office Monday through Thursday between 9 AM and 4 PM. Monetary gifts can be given online - be sure to write in the memo line for People's Pantry.

Food needed: canned/jar goods - tuna, veggies, fruit, tomato sauce, beans, chili, peanut butter, jam, soup, pasta sauce. Boxed/bagged items - mac and cheese, dried beans, rice, spaghetti noodles, oatmeal, cereal. PLEASE NO EXPIRED FOOD items. Thank you!

Though we have enough volunteers at the moment, if you would like to volunteer to help assemble or distribute bags or would like more information, please contact

Second Harvest Food Bank

Second Harvest needs volunteers to load food into cars, check-in participants, and direct traffic on Fridays from 8AM to 1PM. Volunteers need to be able to lift 25 lbs. and comfortable interacting with the public (masks required). They can also use help packing boxes at their warehouse on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.  

Sign up at
For more information contact Jael at 831-232-8141 or

Sonshine Ministry

Home-cooked meals delivered to those who are ill, recovering from illness, new parents, and people who are recovering from surgery. Contact or 831-465-3368.

To serve on this ministry team, Click here to fill out the application.


Home Aid

A project-oriented service helping the widowed, physically limited, and single parents on a limited income. Contact or 831-465-3368.

If you would like to serve on this ministry team, click here.

Driving Angels

Help for those that need a ride to their medical appointments. For more information contact or 831-465-3368.

If you would like to serve on this team,  click here.

Bridge of Hope

LETTERS & CARDS! We desperately need more cards and letters for the nursing homes we serve. Uplifting notes, cards, artwork, children's letters and drawings are needed to encourage our friends who are now so isolated. You can write letters that we can pick up and deliver for you. WE WOULD LIKE EVERY RESIDENT AND STAFF MEMBER TO RECEIVE A CARD OR NOTE OF ENCOURAGEMENT. We also want to match committed writers (commit to writing at least twice a month) with specific residents. Help us spread the hope in Jesus' name!

We need help purchasing BIRTHDAY GIFTS for nursing home residents. We can arrange contactless porch pick up and deliver for you. WE ESPECIALLY NEED GIFTS FOR MEN. Contact us if you'd like suggestions.

Please spread the word, our friends are truly the forgotten ones, and they so much need to know we care! Please contact for more info.

Support Groups

Are you or a loved one in a season grief, dealing with a mental or physical illness, or struggling with addiction? You don't have to go it alone! Our support groups are safe places for you to find comfort, support, and healing. Click the button below for a list of groups and meeting details.

Support Groups 

Contact us at | 831-465-3368.


Help for those from the Twin Lakes family who find themselves in financial difficulty. Please call the church office at 831-465-3300 to find out more and request an appointment to meet with our team.

Stephen Ministry

One-on-one spiritual care for those going through difficult life experiences. Contact or 831-465-3368

To be trained and to serve in this ministry, click here to fill out the interest form.

For more information:

Pastoral Counseling

If you would like to speak with a pastor about something that is troubling you, we are happy to connect you with someone. While none of our pastors or staff are licensed counselors, we are happy to listen to you, point you to helpful resources, and give you spiritual direction.

Contact to find out more and get connected with a pastor.