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Service Times

  • Saturday: 6PM
  • Sunday: 9 & 11AM

Know God. Grow in Faith. Go Serve. 

Here at Twin Lakes Kids we intentionally partner with parents and shepherd kids by creating environments where they...

  • KNOW: the unconditional love of God and His Word, the Bible.

  • GROW: in faith and relationship with God.

  • GO: serve others by showing love in God’s name.

Age Groups

Infant - Toddler: ages of 6 weeks to 24 months.

Our caring leaders help cultivate a safe, welcoming space for your baby to learn, grow, and be loved. Our hope is that you, as a parent, are able to attend service and create a partnership with us in discipling your child. We thank you wholeheartedly for entrusting us with your most precious gift from the Lord. 

Preschool: ages 2 years to 5 years old.

We help to cultivate an exciting, engaging space for our children to interact with others, sing and dance through worship, and personally encounter the kind of love that God has for us! We pray that our children can discover the beauty of all the wonderful things that God made, with the best being YOU and ME! We understand the importance of your child being with others that are the same age. In the Kelp Forest Preschool, we provide 3 unique environments for your children to learn and grow alongside others at the same developmental level.

Lower Elementary

Our TLK Wave provides a safe and fun place for your children Kindergarten through 3rd Grade to experience God in an age-appropriate way! We begin and end our services in small groups where your children have an opportunity to find community and build relationships with children their age and volunteers who lead them each week. During each service, we come together for a large group service where we worship together, and learn about the Bible in a way that is easy for your child to grasp.


4th and 5th grade Most of their time is spent in a Small Group to give them the benefit of a consistent Group Leader and interaction with kids their age. Together, they learn about the Bible and how to have a relationship with God, as well as memorize scripture, and have fun developing friendships with each other.

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