Contact Us

Service Times

  • Saturday: 6PM
  • Sunday: 9 & 11AM

Local Outreach

TLC offers many ways to participate in outreach! Locally, ministry opportunities exist that reach out to many different people in need. For more information please contact us: | 831-465-3381

Outreach Opportunities

Chili Cook Off Fundraiser for our Portable Shower Program for the Unhoused

Our 8th Annual Chili Cook Off Fundraiser to support our portable shower program for the unhoused is Friday, Feb. 28th from 6 to 8:30 PM at TLC Monschke Hall. Enjoy taste testing a dozen different types of chili made by participating churches and vote for the best one!  Support the two teams from TLC and stuff the ballot!  Enjoy live music and fun fellowship and support a worthy cause.  Purchase tickets at the door or here.

Acts of Kindness

  • Every fall we encourage individuals, families, small groups and friends to do a service project in the community.  Our desire is to make an impact on our neighbors and others in the community, shining the love of Christ through service.
  • To see this year's projects and details on how to get involved go to or click HERE

Dress A Girl

  • Do you like to sew?  Help make dresses for girls around the world who very seldom receive new clothing.
  • Can't sew but want to be involved anyway?  We need people who can pack kits, send packages, or donate 100% cotton material and other knick-knacks for sewing.  
  • For more information and a detailed list of what is needed, contact Barbara Taylor at

ESL Teachers

    • We are looking for volunteers to be trained to be ESL teachers in our area.  What a great way to reach out to immigrants in our community by engaging them in simple English discussions and activities.
    • The training will be held on Friday, January 19 in the evening and all-day Saturday, January 20 at Redeemer Anglican Church on Morrissey near Water Street.  We may need to charge a nominal fee for the training, which will help us buy student and teacher books for the class and not have to charge our students.  However, we do not want the fee to be an issue for anyone interested in serving our community in this way.  For more information, contact Seth Schapiro at


Emergency Response Team

In light of having so many disasters back to back, we would like to form a database of volunteers who can help at a moment's notice for disasters in our area.  We need people who are willing to purchase, cook, and/or deliver food to shelters, fill sandbags, help with debris cleanup, etc.  If you are willing to be on a list of volunteers for such needs, please fill out this form.

Angel Tree - Giving Grove

Every Christmas we fill our lobby with trees full of gift tags for children of incarcerated parent(s), low-income families, and skilled nursing home residents. If you would like to make a difference in someone's life at Christmas by bringing some cheer to someone through a gift,

For more information or questions, email our Local Outreach Director, Robin Spurlock at

Ministry to the Unhoused

  • Plenty of ongoing opportunities to reach out to the homeless in our community
  • Looking for volunteers to set/close up and tow/dump grey water our portable showers on the Saturdays we monitor in Aptos. If you have a vehicle that can tow 5000 lbs. or more and would be available on our scheduled Saturday, please contact  If you don't have a vehicle to tow with, but you have towing skills, there is a van that can be used to tow the showers.  You still could help!
  • Also, if you want to help monitor the showers on a Saturday from 11 AM to 3 PM, contact Robin at
  • Interested in preparing and serving a meal for up to 20 unhoused families on the last Saturday of every month? Contact for more information. 
  • Supplies are needed for the rotating shelter we help with.  Breakfast kits (coffee, sugar-creamer-oatmeal packets, individual cereal boxes, biodegradable bowels-spoons-cups), Cleaning kits (garbage bags, cleaning solution, paper towels, sponges), and gas/meal gift cards.  Contact for more information.
  • Mentors/friends needed to meet weekly with one of our shelter guests.  Lend an ear, offer encouragement, and remind them that they have the ability to succeed.  For more information, contact
  • LoLo (Loads of Love) Laundry Van – contact Ron Powers at He and his team provide mobile laundry services to the unhoused.
  • Feel free to contact for other resources as well.
  • WINGS - An Advocacy Group to help the unhoused get into homes. Zoom Training Sessions happen periodically. For more info or to register contact
  • HOMELESS GARDEN PROJECT Volunteers  - come help out at the farm Tuesday through Saturday slots by weeding, harvesting, planting, watering and more.  Go to for more information and to sign up!

House a Cabrillo Student

  • Do you have an extra room in your house to rent out?
  • Need to make a little extra money by providing a safe and affordable place for a student to live during the school year?
  • If you would like to reach out to our neighbors at Cabrillo and could provide a place for them to live during the school year, please click on this link to fill out a housing post on Cabrillo's website at
  • When you get to the page scroll down to click on the "Post Housing" link.
  • For more information or if you have questions, contact  If you do fill out the housing post link, please let Robin know.

Joyful Noise

  • Joyful Noise is a weekly Sunday morning program for special needs adults.
  • They meet at 9 AM in 7105 in Monschke Hall every Sunday morning.
  • Email Greg Lewis for more information.
  • We are in need of more volunteers to help with this ministry.  If you are interested, email

Mom's Angels

  • Car repair for single moms and widows.
  • If you are a mechanic and want to volunteer time, contact Todd Patterson at
  • Email Robin Spurlock or 831-465-3381 for more information.






Prison Ministry

  • We have volunteers who lead a weekly Bible study in the jails for men and women.
  • If you are interested in being a part of this team or if you have a loved one in a county jail and are looking for support, you can reach out to our team leaders, Rich Price and Lynn Wagner.  Rich heads up the Men's Prison Ministry and you can reach him at  Lynn heads up the Women's Prison Minsitry and you can reach her at

Safe Families

  • Another great organization we partner with to help families that are in crisis is Safe Families.  Their local website is  Safe Families for Children doesn’t take kids from their parents. Rather, parents voluntarily allow host families to care for their children giving parents peace of mind that their children are protected and safe – and so that parents can focus on getting back on their feet.
  • We are looking for host families who could take in a child or teen for a short period of time while the parent(s) can work through necessary issues. If you are interested in finding out more about this outreach, contact Liz at

Nursing Home Visitation & Bridge of Hope

  • Make a difference in the lives of Twin Lakes Church members who are weak or disabled, confined to care facilities or in their own homes.
  • During this COVID-19 season, we could use extra help! LETTERS & CARDS! We need help purchasing BIRTHDAY GIFTS for nursing home residents. We need CAKES and CUPCAKES for birthday parties once a month.
  • WHITE OR LIGHT COLORED SOCKS are needed.  Please drop off donations in the Bridge of Hope barrel in the church office.  Also GENTLY USED or NEW MEN'S CLOTHING desperately needed.  Donations can be placed in our barrel.
  • Please spread the word, our friends are truly the forgotten ones, and they so much need to know we care! Click on the Bridge of Hope link above for all the details.
  • Volunteer teams are going back into the nursing homes!!  If you want to volunteer contact Mary Masters at

Prison Ministry

We have volunteer teams that go into the county jails once a week to lead a Bible study and pray with inmates who come to the Bible study. We have both a Women's and a Men's team.

If you are interested in being on one of these teams, you can reach out to the team leaders, Rich Price and Lynn Wagner.  Because of requirements by the county jails, you will need to apply and be vetted.

For the Men's team, contact Rich at  For the Women's team, contact Lynn at

People’s Pantry

  • Provides food for needy families. Wednesdays 4 to 5:15 PM.
  • If you would like to donate food items, please drop them off in the food barrel in the church office lobby. 
  • Needed most: 1 lb. bags of rice, cold cereal (please no sugary cereals), 15oz. canned chili, 15oz. canned veggies, mac and cheese, 15oz. canned diced tomatoes, 15oz. canned beans (black, pinto, refried...), 15oz. canned soups.

    Other items that are also helpful are:  peanut butter, canned tuna, canned fruit, spaghetti sauce, jam, salad dressing, cooking oils, nuts, pasta, ramen, canned chicken, beverages, any other canned or boxed goods, and household items like soap (dish, laundry, hand), paper goods (towels, toilet, kleenex) and so forth.

    Please be sure they are not out of date!
  • We are collecting clean brown paper grocery bags with handles.  We are NOT taking any egg cartons at this time.  Please do not drop them off.  Thank you!
  • CLICK HERE for more information.

Sonshine Ministry

  • Prepares and delivers home-cooked meals to those who are ill, recovering from illness or surgery, and new parents.

  • CLICK HERE for more information.  Or email


Sports Outreach

  • Co-Ed Open Gym Volleyball
    • Contact Jared McConnell for more information at
    • Friday nights from 6:30-9:30 PM for those 18 years and older.  Need to show ID and sign waiver.
    • Check weekly schedule with Jared as there are some Fridays the gym is unavailable for play.  
    • Go to to also see the dates of play.