Contact Us
- Phone: (831)465-3300
- Email:
- Address:
2701 Cabrillo College Drive | Aptos, CA 95003
Service Times
- Saturday: 6PM
- Sunday: 9 & 11AM
It's the times we're hurting that we need to connect with others who are going through or who have gone through similar circumstances. Our support groups are safe places for you to find comfort, support, and healing. For more information please contact us:
Our Cancer Support Group, "Through Cancer with Care," will begin this year on February 9th and will meet the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 9:00 AM in the Intern Garage. Click HERE to register and for more information. Or, email or call Carrie Clark at 831-465-3368
To provide support and encouragement for Caregivers. We will travel this journey together using a study guide, "The Peaceful Caregiver." It is designed to help you discover all God has for you and those around you in your role as family caregiver, caring for someone with chronic illness, disability, mental illness, or age-related issues.
Registration for Fall 2024 is now open. Meets at 1:00 PM in room 8111 at Twin Lakes Church. Fall 2024 schedule: 9/3, 9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17. We will start up again on January 14th.
13-week video series and interactive grief support group. GriefShare provides help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. You can join at anytime.
Family Grace is a Support Group for people who have loved ones with mental health issues. While geared towards family members of people with mental illness, this group would also be applicable to anyone in a close relationship with someone struggling. You can join anytime during this eight week group, drop ins are always welcome.
For more information email
Living Grace is a Facilitated Peer Support Group for individuals living with mental health difficulties and disorders. You can join anytime during this eight week group, drop ins are always welcome.
For more information email
A confidential support and encouragement group for spouses of men struggling with life-dominating sexual sin.
Our 12-step recovery meetings are a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other, in hopes that, with God’s help, we may solve our common problem and help each other to recover from our addictions and compulsive behaviors. View a list of groups and meeting details here:
For more information email