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2701 Cabrillo College Drive | Aptos, CA 95003
Service Times
- Saturday: 6PM
- Sunday: 9 & 11AM
Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing
Dr. Michael R. Licona
Dr. Dominick Hernandez
Dr. Carol Kaminski
Dr. Gerry Breshears
Are the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John historically reliable sources about Jesus? What about the apparent contradictions between them? Dr. Licona will explain how these ancient authors wrote and the kinds of literary devices they used, so we can make sense of contradictions and be confident in the story of Jesus.
(attendees will choose three)
Amy Orr-Ewing, Ph.D.
Honorary Lecturer in Divinity, University of Aberdeen
“You don’t honestly believe all that stuff in the Bible!?” Skepticism regarding the trustworthiness of the Bible is commonplace in our culture. Amy will address current issues and arguments about the Bible, showing us that we have no need to fear critical questions and have every reason to trust the Bible today.
Mike Licona, Ph.D.
Professor of New Testament, Houston Christian University
What does it mean to say Scripture is “God-breathed” in 2 Timothy 3:16? How does this impact our view of what it means to say Scripture is divinely inspired? Is a common understanding of inspiration accurate and how does it influence the doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture? In this lecture, Dr. Licona answers these important questions and more.
Dominick Hernandez, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitics, Talbot School of Theology at Biola University
Are the Old Testament prophetic books just prophecies about the future to decode? Or is there more to them? By focusing on the unique structure and purpose of the Old Testament prophetic books, you will gain tools to better understand their meaning and relevance to your own life.
Carol Kaminiski, Ph.D.
Senior Professor of Old Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
In this seminar you will learn the storyline of the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi through the memorable acronym CASKET EMPTY. This seminar will help you see that the Bible is one redemptive story with Jesus at the center.
Note: Dr. Kaminski recommends that you have your own copy of Old Testament Timelines for this seminar. They will be available for purchase in the seminar room for $9.
Gerry Breshears, Ph.D.
Professor of Systematic Theology, Western Seminary
What does it mean to say the whole Bible is wholly true in an age of “my truth”? How do we understand and apply the truths of Scripture to our lives when most of the Bible is story, poetry or letters? That's what this seminar is all about!
8:30 |
Check-in / |
9:00 |
Welcome; Announcements |
10:30 |
Seminar 1 |
11:45 |
Lunch (Taco Bar) |
12:45 |
Seminar 2 |
2:15 |
Seminar 3 |
3:30 |
Conference concludes |