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Service Times

  • Saturday: 6PM
  • Sunday: 9 & 11AM

Volunteer Opportunities

Feeling disconnected with the church body? Needing to connect and serve somewhere? Looking for a way to help out and in the process enjoy fellowship with others? Then check out any of these ministries that TLC runs or supports! Each of these ministries and outreaches are in need of volunteers. Click on any of the buttons to find out more about that ministry and how to get connected!



If you would like to volunteer in the High School Ministry please email Steve Craig at Steve@tlc.org.


From time to time we need and welcome those who enjoy serving through preparing and serving our Wednesday Night dinner for the Midweek Program. If interested, please contact Gloria Krom  jgkrom@msn.com and/or Paul Spurlock at paul@tlc.org or 465-3380. Thank you!


For campus special events we are looking for 10 set up/greeters; 2 event planners; 1 event caterer Contact Val@tlc.org

For special events at Christmas, Easter, 4th of July and other all-church events that need many hands, contact Gloria at JGKrom@msn.com


We have a full program on the weekends and Wednesday nights for our kindergarten through 5th graders.  We need volunteers who can serve in our Saturday night and Sunday morning classes as well as our mid-week program on Wednesday nights.  If you like working with kids, like to teach a Bible lesson, and help with set up/clean up, contact Brittney at brittney@tlc.org for more information.

We need:  

  • YOUNG CHILDREN: 30 every-other-week helpers to help with check-in, crafts, snacks, etc.
  • ELEMENTARY: 10 weekend classroom helpers; 3 volunteer coordinators


We want YOU to join the First Impressions Team! We need more friendly faces to welcome people to church. Here at TLC we are passionate about welcoming people into a space to encounter Jesus. We believe that weekend services would not be possible without our volunteers. We are currently looking for volunteers to be greeters and ushers, individuals to be information, welcome desk, or book nook hosts, an on-duty health professional in case of emergency, or to be the first smile an individual sees as they pull into the parking lot! If you are interested in joining any of these teams, CLICK HERE to find out more. Any questions, feel free to email Val@tlc.org.


In light of having so many disasters back to back, we would like to form a database of volunteers who can help at a moment's notice for disasters in our area.  We need people who are willing to purchase, cook, and/or deliver food to shelters, fill sandbags, help with debris cleanup, etc.  If you are willing to be on a list of volunteers for such needs, please fill out this form.

Questions? Contact robin@tlc.org


TLC's Global Partner Mercy Ships NEEDS YOU!  They have two ships with 1200+ international volunteers.  You can volunteer for 2 weeks, a month, or longer.  They need volunteers in medical roles (nurse, surgeon, dentist, etc.), general areas (cooks, teacher, housekeeper, finance, hospitality, photographer, etc.) and technical roles (seaman, carpenter, plumber, engineer, etc.).  There is literally some spot on the crew for you!!  To find out more, go to www.mercyships.org/get-involved/volunteer


We are looking for volunteers to be trained to be ESL teachers in our area.  What a great way to reach out to immigrants in our community by engaging them in simple English discussions and activities.

The training will be held on Friday, January 19 in the evening and all-day Saturday, January 20 at Redeemer Anglican Church on Morrissey near Water Street.  We may need to charge a nominal fee for the training, which will help us buy student and teacher books for the class and not have to charge our students.  However, we do not want the fee to be an issue for anyone interested in serving our community in this way.  For more information, contact Seth Schapiro at sethschap@gmail.com

TLC's Spanish Pastor, Julian Pizarro, also has a group of ESL teacher volunteers.  If you are interested in helping his ministry, you can reach out to him at julian@tlc.org


Volunteers are needed in a number of areas of service at PRC.  Some areas are counselor, event assistance, materials assistance, helpline, nurses, post-abortion counseling, prayer partners, and mentor/friendship.  If you are interested in volunteering, call their office at 831-475-2200 or contact Tauna at director@santacruzprc.org


Interested in video, photography, audio engineering, lighting, media duplications, or other technical roles? Be part of the media team! Find out more at tlc.org/media.


God designed us for community. Whether you feel like a “people-person” or not, we all need each other. That’s why we have Small Groups, to find community that has the potential to change our lives. We need 25 more small group leaders for the fall. Host either live or online.
Find out more on joining or leading a group at tlc.org/smallgroups


We have volunteer teams that go into the county jails once a week to lead a Bible study and pray with inmates who come to the Bible study. We have both a Women's and a Men's team.

If you are interested in being on one of these teams, you can reach out to the team leaders, Rich Price and Lynn Wagner.  Because of requirements by the county jails, you will need to apply and be vetted.

For the Men's team, contact Rich at rich.c.price@gmail.com.  For the Women's team, contact Lynn at forgivntoo@gmail.com.


Ministry to the Unhoused

We have a portable shower program for the homeless that we monitor one Saturday a month. We need volunteers who monitor the showers and someone who tows/dumps grey water from the shower trailer on our particular Saturday.   If interested, contact robin@tlc.org or 831-465-3381. Our once-a-month dinner outreach to the homeless usually happens the last Saturday of the month.  If you like to cook, help serve, and/or even eat with the guests, we need you!  Contact robin@tlc.org for more information.  

Homeless Garden Project Volunteers  - come help out at the farm Tuesday through Saturday slots by weeding, harvesting, planting, watering and more.  Go to https://homelessgardenproject.org/volunteer-community-education/ for more information and to sign up! 

Mentors/Friends needed to meet weekly with a participant of our rotating shelter to lend an ear, offer encouragement, and remind them that they have the ability to succeed.  Contact sam.altis@afcsantacruz.org  We also can use supplies to stock our rotating shelter we work with.  Breakfast kits (coffee, sugar packets, creamer packets, oatmeal packets, biodegradable bowls, spoons, cups), cleaning kits (garbage bags, cleaning solution, sponges, paper towels), and gas/meal gift cards needed.  Contact robin@tlc.org if interested.



Providing food for those in need in partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank every Wednesday from 4:00 to 5:15 PM at TLC. We are providing a drive-thru pick-up method to keep everyone safe. Look for signs in our parking lot.   

We also are in need of donations - food, household/toiletries, and monetary. Donations can be dropped off at the church office Monday through Thursday between 9 AM and 4 PM or in the pantry barrels in the church lobby. Give online - be sure to write in the memo line for People's Pantry.

Items needed: canned/jar goods - tuna, veggies, fruit, tomato or pasta sauce, beans, chili, peanut butter, jam. Boxed/bagged items - mac and cheese, rice, spaghetti noodles, oatmeal, cereal.  PLEASE NO EXPIRED FOOD.  Laundry or dish soap, bar or liquid hand soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, all-purpose cleaners, diapers and so forth.

We are NOT collecting any egg cartons at this time.  Please DO NOT drop them off.  We do need clean paper bags with handles.

Presently, I have enough volunteers.  You can contact robin@tlc.org for more info.



Safe Families is a non-profit organization that helps families who are in crisis.  They are in need of volunteers who can temporarily take in a child for a short period of time while the parents work through an issue.  They also need volunteers who can help with a variety of needs - picking up kids, cooking a meal, babysitting, and so forth.  For more information or to volunteer, contact Liz at ldepuydt@safefamilies.net or check out their website at www.safe-familieslocal.org/chapters/santacruz.


Mom’s Angels is a car repair clinic that happens every other month in our Bus Barn here at TLC. It is to help single moms and widows with their car needs. We could use a few more mechanics. If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry, contact Todd at pattertodd@sbcglobal.net


We exist to provide help to children and adults with disabilities, adults facing the challenges of mental illness and homelessness, and nursing home residents. If you would like to get involved or have questions please contact Mary Masters at mary@cruzio.com.

LETTERS & CARDS! We desperately need more cards and letters for the nursing homes we serve. Uplifting notes, cards, artwork, children's letters and drawings are needed to encourage our friends who are now so isolated. You can write letters that we can pick up and deliver for you. We also want to match committed writers (commit to writing at least twice a month) with specific residents. Help us spread the hope in Jesus' name!

We need help purchasing BIRTHDAY GIFTS and CAKES or CUPCAKES for nursing home residents and our birthday celebrations. We can arrange contactless porch pick up and delivery for you. WE ESPECIALLY NEED GIFTS FOR MEN. Contact us if you'd like suggestions.

We desperately need NEW SOCKS and GENTLY USED OR NEW MEN'S CLOTHING!  If you are able to donate, please place them in our barrel in the church office.


Our Sunday Morning Class for developmentally challenged adults (18 and over) meets at 9 AM for Bible study, music and prayer.  We are in need of volunteers who can help out each Sunday.  We are looking for those who are friendly and caring, can help with some organizational needs, set up/clean up, teach a Bible lesson, join the worship team, lead a prayer time, serve sa a greeter or just show up and be a friend !  For more information or to express your interest, contact Greg at lewislandscape@sbcglobal.net


If you like to sew, we could use you!!!  Help make dresses for girls around the world that very seldom ever get a new piece of clothing.  Can't sew?  We need help with sorting and packaging dresses.  For more information, contact Barbara at bestluv2u@gmail.com


If you have had cancer or have cared for someone who has, and you want to help others navigate their journey through cancer, this ministry might be for you.  For more information contact Carrie at carrie@tlc.org


We need people who would like to help prepare the food and serve at memorial receptions. If interested contact carrie@tlc.org.


Help for those that need a ride to their medical appointments. For more information, contact care@tlc.org or 831-465-3368. If you would like to serve on this team, click here for the application.


A project-oriented service helping the widowed, physically limited, and single parents on a limited income. Contact care@tlc.org or 831-465-3368. If you would like to serve on this ministry team, click here for the application.


"I wish you could see and hear the expressions of those in my old neighborhood, at work, and even my new landlord, each time I've shared this story with them of how you all showed up on a Saturday to help a stranger.  I believe this is how the Gospel is preached - through everyday Christians who live out their faith." -R.H.

“You don't need any special skills to be on the volunteer list for HomeAid. As long as you're able bodied and have some free time, you can help with simple tasks like moving, packing and yard work.” –Kyle


Sonshine Ministry prepares and delivers home-cooked meals to those who are ill, recovering from illness or surgery, and new parents. These meals are intended for those who do not have the resources or connections to provide their own meals. Contact care@tlc.org or 831-465-3368.

For more information check out our webpage at tlc.org/sonshine

If you would like to serve on this ministry team, click here for the application.


Stephen Ministry is training for members of the TLC family to be listening ears and spiritual confidants, providing high-quality, confidential care for people experiencing a crisis, facing a challenge, or simply going through a tough time. Contact care@tlc.org or 831-465-3368. For more information check out our webpage at tlc.org/stephenministry.

Fill out the interest form


Do you have a gift in playing music or audio engineering? We are looking for musicians and sound engineers to join our team to serve in our regular weekend services and TLC en Español. For more info email Kayley@tlc.org or go to tlc.org/worship to apply.


Visitation Ministry is multifaceted. The ministry includes contact with those in hospitals, those that are home bound, and those that are in care facilities. We need 2 volunteers to make calls once a week to TLCers in hospital. If you would like to be a part of this team, CLICK HERE to fill out the application.



“I got involved with the TLC Hospital Visitation Team because I wanted an opportunity to pray for, comfort, and be a blessing to others. What I quickly discovered, however, is that as often as I pray for, comfort, or bless a patient, they do the same for me in return!” -J.D.

“People seem happily surprised to learn their church family is aware they are in the hospital. It can be a place of such fear; where faith can hit a brick wall. So I go, I listen, I pray and I offer a little encouragement when needed. It’s that simple. No special skill is required, but the blessing I receive is REAL! It never gets old!” -C.F.