Contact Us

Service Times

  • Saturday: 6PM
  • Sunday: 9 & 11AM





Ways to Connect with Us! 



Bible Study

  • Join with other women at TLC and study God's word.
  • Multiple times, locations including Self-Directed Online Study at WeStudyTogether.com

Click Here for more Bible Study Info

 MomCo by MOPS

Click Here to sign up for MomCo by MOPS 

Beloved Recovery Support Group

Live and Zoom on Mondays, 10-11:30 am, Rm. 7105. Please email beloved@tlc.org for more information. You are God's BELOVED daughter and He wants you to live free from the binding shame of behavior patterns, addiction, and codependency. This group is a safe place where anonymity is honored and vulnerability is encouraged. Meets weekly.

Click Here for more Beloved info

Hope Quest Journey for Women

A confidential support and encouragement group for spouses of men struggling with life-dominating sexual sin. Email hopequest@tlc.org to learn more.

    Better Together

    A grace-focused prayer, fellowship for moms of LGBTQ kids.
    Encouragement, support, and prayer as we trust God and embrace our unique journey.

    Contact Susan Hurley for more info smhurley5@gmail.com

    Social Media

     Our TLC Women’s Ministry provides an inviting, open, and warm atmosphere. Make friends you can relate to, find support for everyday life, and learn to live what the Bible teaches. We’re eager to include you! If you have any questions, please contact us:

    831-465-3364 | women@tlc.org |   |