Chasing David Day 29
It’s Meditation Monday! Let these words of David––and this Israeli sunrise––bring calm into your day.
It’s Meditation Monday! Let these words of David––and this Israeli sunrise––bring calm into your day.
When God says no… how do you respond? Rene is at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem with thoughts from David’s life.
Can you enthusiastically work for the next generation—even if you may not get any credit? David passed that test, and Steve Clifford has details.
David reached out to a descendant of Jonathan with special needs… just as God did to you, and you can do to others! Rene tells the story.
God doesn’t give you table scraps. He prepares a feast for you! Rene talks about a beautiful word picture painted by David.
Want to stay out of trouble? Steve Clifford says, focus on saying “yes” to good things, not just “no” to bad things.
What do you do when guilt feelings consume you, and you feel God’s disgusted with you? Rene finds help in Psalm 32.
Sinkholes are swallowing up roads and buildings in Israel—and Rene sees a metaphor there for you and me.
Want great relationships? You need to learn this basic skill. Tyler Scott has three keys from Psalm 51.
Gary Gaddini has encouragement for you about encouraging others!