Video Devo 2018-09-14
Rene’s in a strawberry field to talk about the fruit of the Spirit!
Rene’s in a strawberry field to talk about the fruit of the Spirit!
Rene’s on the beach with the fastest way to get from Point A to Point B!
It’s “Worship Wednesday”! Let’s sing that verse we meditated on this past Monday!
Rene’s spotting creatures of the sea and meditating on Psalm 8 today!
Happy Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year! On our first “Meditation Monday”, be still and soak in this verse.
What’s the product of the Boardwalk? And what’s the “product”, so to speak, of the church?
You don’t have to be Laughing Sal. You can be Honest Abe. Rene’s at the Boardwalk to explain.
Enjoy our first “Worship Wednesday” of fall today! Soak in the goodness of God to you!
Is your life a “Fright Walk”… or a “Faith Walk”? One principle makes all the difference.
Happy Labor Day! To launch our fall video devo season, Rene’s at the Boardwalk!